Support Us and Change the
Course of a Child’s Life Today!
We are a team of change-makers who work to uplift marginalized communities across India.
Your donation will change thousands of lives across India
Your donations are tax exempted under 80G of the Indian Income Tax Act

Donation by Bank Transfer
This donation account is for SAF India Charitable Trust and only local donations from within India can be deposited here. Any donation sent from outside of India will not reach this account. Click here to make a donation from outside of India.
Account Number: 088005000857
IFSC Code: ICIC0000642
Branch: BRS Nagar, Ferozepur Road, Ludhiana
Donation by Cheque
You can write a cheque payable to SAFIndia Charitable Trust and mail it to.

Please note:
- Fields marked with * are compulsory.
- As per Indian Tax Laws, it is mandatory to have the full name and address of a contributor else it’s treated as an anonymous donation and is subject to taxation.
- In case you are not an Indian citizen, we’ll need a copy of your passport showing your nationality as advised by the Foreign Contribution Regulations Act, 2010 to fulfill government regulations compliance.
- For any further assistance please feel free to email us at
- Donations are non-refundable.